What I'm saying is extremely simple:

Traffic generates clicks, which generates money, which is what we all (or most of us) call success.

And like in most things in this world, the first step is always the hardest one;

The first job interview, the first time we ride a bike, the first time mankind reached the moon.. And believe me I can keep on going for a very long time.

Ok, got that.. The first step is always the hardest step.. understood.. got ya.. it's ok.. move on.. YOU CAN CONTINUE TALKING..!

Good then I will.

Our main goal, as publishers, is to reach the max amount of visitor. Why? Well for some of us it means more clicks = more money, for others it just means more readers (which is fine).

One of the main ways to increase traffic to your site, is to publish your site in as many places as possible. If it means sending email's to your friends and asking them forward it to their friends, or if it's joining different forum's and adding a link to your signature, or Adding your site to different directories.. There are a number of different ways as you can see.

But, one of the best ways, is adding your site to sites that their main purpose is to help you generate more traffic to your own site.

Wait a sec.. What you're saying is that the best traffic generating technique is posting your website on a site that it's only purpose is to generate traffic for other sites right?
Then what I don't understand is how exactly that site benefits? What does it get out of this?!


And I'm now going to link you to a site just like the one I described. It's simple, elegant, and most important- it works.


Now you're probably saying- oh.. That site is also his.. and he wants it get more traffic.

Now it's my turn to say- You're right, but why does it matter if it'll help you out?

That's it for now,

I really hope you all enjoyed reading this one,



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