If you are not new to
RATs, you should have heard the word D
arkComet. Because
DarkComet is such a great tool for hacking remote computers. It has several features that many
RATs do not have. I have explained the basics of
RATs and Setting up
Extreme RAT in my previous articles. So before proceeding into this article, you must understand the basics of RATing. So please go through those articles first. You can read them from
here.Things you require1) DARK-COMET RAT
This is the RAT you are going to use. You can get it from
As our IP-Address is dynamic(in general), we need to make it static.
3) DUC client
We can automatically update our dynamic IP-Adress, by installing DUC client.
We must enable our router to allow us to connect to a remote PC. So we need to port forward.
Instead of port forwarding we use a VPN(Virtual Private Network).
You can use Proxpn. and any other you know (its not needed but good if u use)
Step 1:
Step 2:
After creating an account, login with your account and create a host. You can do this by just following the steps.
Goto this link, and login. Then follow the steps as shown in the picture.
Finally click “Create Host”.
Step 3: Setting up your server.
First install Dark-Comet RAT on your PC and run it. It opens a window as shown below.
Now click on the + button which is at left bottom corner as shown below.
It opens a small window showing you the port number. Click on “listen” button.
Then it disappears, don’t click the “listen” button again. Now click on “edit server” button at the bottom of the window as shown in the figure.
It opens a new window with huge amount of options. First lets move on to the main settings. You can set a password to use when listening connections. You can see the default password by checking “security password” and “show chars” in the following picture.
Now we need to set up our “network settings”. Clearly follow the steps here. You need to give your domain name you got from no-ip.com
It looks like yourdomain.no-ip.biz
We came to the funniest part of our RAT setup. Here you can choose your icon. DarkComet is providing us some beautiful icon. So that our victim can easily believe us. Just follow steps shown in the figure. It is self explanatory.
You can bind your server file with a PDF or Image. So when the victim clicks it, it opens the PDF file and the victim will not be able to suspect you. You can follow the steps as shown in the figure.
Finally click on “Build Server” button. It creates a new server file in the same directory where your dark-comet files are stored.
You are done.
Now give your server file to your vicyim by any means. When he clicks the server file, he will be connected to your computer.
Now you can do anything you want. You can see him with his web cam, downloading files and many more. Just move around the options and play with him. I put two screenshots of how it looks like when you get access to his computer.
Using RATs on remote systems without their permission is illegal. This article is for educational purpose only. Don't do anything illegal. I will not be held responsible for that.