Install BackTrack 5 using VirtualBox
1.Download the latest version of VirtualBox from Here
2.Download the BackTrack 5 ISO from Here
3.After installing VirtualBox, let's launch it and try to set up a new Virtual Machine:
3.Click New –>Continue –> Next
4.Name (Select Ubuntu 64Bit) –> Next
5.Select Ram (Assign at least 30%) i suggest 1gb if u have –> Next
6.Check “Boot Disk” Ã Create New Hard Disk
7.Continue –> “Dynamically Expanding Storage” –> Choose Location –> Size (Minimum of
Continue –> Done
Your disk configuration should look similar to this
8.Click Settings (We are going to leave mosts defaults on for everything for this How-To)
9.Click Storage à With “IDE Storage” Selected click the Drive Icon with the plus sign on it Ã
10.Choose Add CD/DVD a Choose Disk a Navigate to the BT5 ISO you had downloaded if u dont have backtrack download from
here 11.Click Display and assign at least 64MB
Click Ok
12 .Open Terminal and enter the Following
VboxManage setextradata “Backtrack” “CustomVideoMode1″ “1100x740x16″
13.Click Start
14.Click inside the window –> Tab –> Choose “Backtrack Text”
Once the boot sequence completes you will already be in a root shell.
15.Once Backtrack Launches Double Click the “Install Backtrack Icon”
16.After the setups is finished, shut down Backtrack.
17.Click Settings in Virtual Box Manager à Click Storage à With “IDE Storage” selected remove
the Live-ISO distribution
Click Start to launch Backtrack