URL shortening:

URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web in which a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) can be made substantially shorter in length and still direct to the required page.

The URL shortening service was first launched by TinyURL. Later on many websites like google are also providing this service.

Why do we need it?

URL shortening is to disguise the underlying address. This can be used by some business services.
But This URL shortening service is open to abuse. Hackers can easily use it for malicious purposes. So Short URLs can also unexpectedly redirect a user to scam pages or pages containing malware or XSS attacks.

Some people use it to access blocked sites.

So it is needed to be able to identify the original form of suspected URL.

How to shorten your long URL:

You can simply go to www.tinyurl.com and enter your long URL. And click on "make tiny url"

you can also use google's service from here.

How to find out the real link of shortened URL?

Sucuri is nice little web based tool to let you see the destination of a shortened URL. The tool will also check the destination URL in two different ways to find out if it’s safe for you to go to the site.

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