Torrent Client Configuration
In order to apply these tips you need to know your maximum up- and download speed. You can test your bandwidth over here (stop all download activity while testing).
Also make sure that you applied the tips provided in our previous posts. Note that there’s a huge difference between kb/s (kilobits/second) and kB/s (kilobytes/second). To be precise, kB/s = kb/s divided by 8. In this tutorial we use kB/s (like most torrent clients do). This means that you might need to calculate your max speed in kB/s yourself if the speedtest only gives you the results in kb\s (so divide by
8 then).
8 then).
Settings 1-4 can be found in the options, settings or
preference tab of most torrent clients.
preference tab of most torrent clients.
1. Maximum upload speed
Probably the most important setting there is. Your
connection is (sort of) like a pipeline, if you use you
maximum upload speed there’s not enough space left for the
files you are downloading. So you have to cap your upload
speed. Use the following formula to determine your optimal
upload speed…
80% of your maximum upload speed
So, if your maximum upload speed is 40 kB/s, the optimal
upload rate is 32kB/s
But keep seeding!
connection is (sort of) like a pipeline, if you use you
maximum upload speed there’s not enough space left for the
files you are downloading. So you have to cap your upload
speed. Use the following formula to determine your optimal
upload speed…
80% of your maximum upload speed
So, if your maximum upload speed is 40 kB/s, the optimal
upload rate is 32kB/s
But keep seeding!
2. Maximum download speed
Although setting your maximum download speed to
unlimited may sound interesting, in reality it will only hurt
your connection. If you still want to be able to browse
properly, set your maximum download speed to:
95% of your maximum download speed
so if your maximum download speed is 400 kB/s, the
optimal download speed is 380kB/s
unlimited may sound interesting, in reality it will only hurt
your connection. If you still want to be able to browse
properly, set your maximum download speed to:
95% of your maximum download speed
so if your maximum download speed is 400 kB/s, the
optimal download speed is 380kB/s
3. Maximum connected peers per torrent
Yet another setting that you don’t want to max out. I
experimented quite a lot with the max connected peers
settings and came to the conclusion that both high and low
number hurt the download speed of a torrent. The following
setting worked best for me.
upload speed * 1.3
so, if your maximum upload speed is 40 kB/s, the optimal
amount of connected peers per torrent is
40 * 1.3 = 52
I didn’t noticed a difference for fast or slow connections here.
experimented quite a lot with the max connected peers
settings and came to the conclusion that both high and low
number hurt the download speed of a torrent. The following
setting worked best for me.
upload speed * 1.3
so, if your maximum upload speed is 40 kB/s, the optimal
amount of connected peers per torrent is
40 * 1.3 = 52
I didn’t noticed a difference for fast or slow connections here.
4. Maximum upload slots
1 + (upload speed / 6)
So, if your maximum upload speed is 30 kB/s, the optimal
number of upload slots is
1 + (30 / 6) = 6
So, if your maximum upload speed is 30 kB/s, the optimal
number of upload slots is
1 + (30 / 6) = 6
5. Usenet
Usenet is an alternative to BitTorrent and considered to be
the most “private” way to share files. In other words, no
MPAA or RIAA watching your back. It is fast, has a lot of
content and amazing download speeds without having to
configure your download client.
The biggest disadvantage is that high speed Usenet servers
are not free. You need at least some kind of paid subscription
plan to be able to get decent speeds on Usenet. For some
people this is not a problem, their argument often is that
they already pay a lot of money for high speed broadband
access, so why not pay a little extra to get the best speeds out
of it.
the most “private” way to share files. In other words, no
MPAA or RIAA watching your back. It is fast, has a lot of
content and amazing download speeds without having to
configure your download client.
The biggest disadvantage is that high speed Usenet servers
are not free. You need at least some kind of paid subscription
plan to be able to get decent speeds on Usenet. For some
people this is not a problem, their argument often is that
they already pay a lot of money for high speed broadband
access, so why not pay a little extra to get the best speeds out
of it.
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