Former Leader of TeaMp0isoN nick name "TriCk" was arrested by MI6 in start of this year, along wth his few active team members. They are charged to involved behind the DDOS(Denial of Services) attack on MI6 hotline and hacking into private data of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in June of last year.

Few days later some other members of this hacker group tried to threaten the Govt while saying "it will fight back against the arrest of its members." But now all these efforts seems worthless because the leader of infamous hacker collective group "TeaMp0isoN" has pleaded guilty to stealing the address book details and other private data from former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in June of last year. According to the sources Junaid Hussain, also known as "TriCk", has now admitted to hacking into a Gmail email account belonging an advisor to Blair by the name of Katy Kay.

Hussain, 18, from Birmingham, said that he used an ID "Trick" to access the aide's account and steal confidential data including addresses, phone numbers and email addresses belonging to Blair, his wife, and sister-in-law Lyndsye Booth, as well as Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of the House of Lords. Ben Cooper, Hussain's lawyer, told the court that the offences had just been a prank. After admitting to conspiracy and computer charges at London's Southwark Crown Court, Judge Peter Testar granted Hussain bail until sentencing later this month, advising him to be "under no illusions" that he may go to prison. Hussain has also confessed to taking part in and leading members of the hacker group to attack the UK national Anti-Terrorist Hotline with hundreds of hoax phone calls and involvement with hacktivist Anonymous in #OpRobinHood, #OpCensorThis and few more.

Reference: Link1


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