We all know that hackers are one of the most creative people in the world and they always invent ingenious hacking methods. Here is a method for "mass hacking" email ids. Though its a smart method, mostly the dumb people fall prey to it. Lets have a look at this method.

While randomly searching, i found this procedure for automatically hacking email ids. Here is the procedure as i found it. Lets do an autopsy of this so called easy hacking procedure.
NOTE:- The procedure in normal black writing is the fake hacking method and the notes in red are the explanation by me.


A real simple and short way to hack anybodies gmail account   (Reading this the reader gets exited and  
                                                                                                thinks that atlast he has found a easy 
                                                                                             method to hack others email ids" dumbos)  
STEP 1) Log into your account.
STEP 2) Compose a new mail to xxxxxxxx@gmail.com   (This really is a fake email id of the person who
                                                                                       wrote the procedure. He tells the reader that it 
                                                                                       is a administrative email id of gmail )
STEP 3) Into the subject option type 'pass rec'                  

STEP 4) In the mail just type the following-
[first line] id u want to find the password of!!!
[second line] your orkut id
[third line] your orkut password.       (The reader sends this email and BINGO !!! his id is hacked)                                   

How it works: you mail to a orkut's login base server located in us.       (I really want to meet the person
usually only system administrator should be able to use this,but              who made up this explanation 
when u try it with your password and mail this message from your         though a smart person will quickly
gmail account the database server get confused!!!                                 notice how stupid it is. But some   why your password is needed:automatic gmail responder will require     readers will actually try this
your  "system reg message" from "system".                                            procedure hoping to see his
                                                                                                            friends private photos. )
note:this can take quite long time as the server is quite busy!!!
this is an awesome trick and works quite a few times u try it. Have fun!!
note: you can use that id every time and ethical tricks or system changing can't effect this.

(Though this is one of the dumbest idea i ever heard many readers easily fell prey to this and lose their own email id. This actually is a mass hacking technique and the hacker will probably sell this ids to some advertising or porn company who will misuse it to promote their product. Please readers don't fell prey to such a dumb ideas. I always mention that there is no such automatic email id hacking software or procedure so please act sensibly when you see this procedure and please report it to the administrator) 


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