Ok, after a short break, we're back and running.

If you have written a blog, or want to start writing one, I can imagine you want people to read it.

So the first question you need to ask yourself when writing your blog, is- 'Would this blog, topic, title.. attract other people?'
If you write about the new pen you bought, I'm not sure the will be yes.

If that's not interesting! What is?!
- Something which is relevant for as many people as possible.
- Something which is updated at least 3 times a week.
- Something which helps other people face their problem.
- Something which provides info on a certain subject.
- Something new, which no one has thought about! (but that will be hard..)

Just choose one of those idea's, and start writing your blog.
If you already have a blog, make sure you keep updating it, and make sure what you wrote about is interesting for others.



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