SMS Trojans that ride along on supposedly benign mobile apps and then send out messages to high-priced numbers have been a problem in some A...
New Facebook Worm installing Zeus Bot in your Computer
Today another new attack on Facebook users with Zeus Bot comes in action. The researchers of Danish security firm CSIS , has spotted a worm...
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dhaka (Bangladesh) Hacked By KhantastiC haXor & Shadow008
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dhaka (Bangladesh) has been Hacked by the Pakistani Hacker called KhantastiC HaXor & Shadow008. However, the...
1,200 + Indian Sites Hacked By Shadow008 (PakCyberArmy)
More then 1,200 + Indian Sites has been hacked by Shadow008 from the team called Pakistan Cyber Army. It was a payber after Indian hackers w...
23,000 + Sites Hacked By H4x0rL1f3
A Pakistani hacker called H4x0rL1f3 has hacked more then 23,000 sites today. However, it took the hacker 5 hour to submit all his defacemen...
141 Indian Websites Hacked By R0b0t PiraTes
A Pakistani hacker called R0b0t PiraTes has hacked 141 Indian websites. The hacker had hacked them after Indian Cyber Army hacked 130+ Pakis...
2,000 + Websites | 26 Educational Websites | 13 Security & Hackers Websites Of India Hacked By Shadow008 (PakCyberArmy)
The Pakistani hacker called Shadow008 from the Team Pakistan Cyber Army has hacked 2,000 Indian websites. The hacker had also attacked 26 Ed...
5 Indian Government Websites Hacked By KhantastiC HaXor & Shadow008
The 2 Famouse Pakistani hackers called KhantastiC HaXor & Shadow008 has hacked 5 Indian Goverment websites after Indian hackers hacked 1...
45+ Indian Sites Hacked By Pakistani Hackers (Including Govt, Universities & Many More)
It seems like the Indishell attack is costing a lot for Indian Cyber Fence. Just after the Seeker and HEX786 attack now Invectus a Pakis...
110+ Indian Sites Hacked By Seeker & HEX786 (Pakistani Hacker)
Again the Cyber War is on between Indian and Pakistani hackers. Few hours ago Indian Cyber Army known as Indisheel hacked more than 130 Pak...
Indishell Unleashed Pakistan Cyber Fence, 130+ Pak Sites Hacked
More than 130 Pakistani websites hacked and defaced by Team Indian Cyber Army (ICA) also known as Indishell. According to ICA authority this...
National program for Cyber army to be launched in India
National program for Cyber army to be launched in India Increasing attacks on cyberspace in India has brought several professionals and e...
Intercepter-NG New Sniffing Tool
Intercepter-NG New Sniffing Tool [Intercepter-NG] offers the following features: + Sniffing passwords\hashes of the types: ICQ\IRC\AIM\FTP\...
Largest DDOS attack hit Chinese company
Largest DDOS attack hit Chinese company A week-long DDoS attack that launched a flood of traffic at an Asian e-commerce company in early No...
Sudan Airways mailbox database leaked
Sudan Airways mailbox database leaked Sudan Airways mailbox database Hacked By Sudan Cyber Army - SD. Alsa7r and Leaked on Pastebin . T...
Facebook & HTC Developing Facebook Phone Codenamed "Buffy"
Facebook is working with HTC to develop a phone that has a much deeper integration with the social network than any previous "Facebook...
John the Ripper 1.7.9 Released
John the Ripper version 1.7.9 released & available for download. John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for man...