Thinks the federal government is too intrusive? You ain't seen nothingyet. An FCC mandate will require that all hardware and software ha...
Geting Close To Nmap 4.0 ...
new nmap born. (version 3.9999)Now we are getting very close to the big 4.0 release. QUOTE I am pleased to announce the release of Nmap 3.99...
Cross Site Cooking
There are three fairly interesting flaws in how HTTP cookies weredesigned and later implemented in various browsers; these shortcomingsmake ...
Cyber Crime Strides In Lockstep With Security
Information Security made great strides last year.Sadly, so did cyber crime.In the U.S. ? according to a recent FBI study ? almost 90 per ce...
Microsoft Readies Two-way Firewall For Vista
For its upcoming Windows Vista operating system, Microsoft is readyinga new, highly configurable firewall designed to give administratorsmuc...
Good Worms Back On The Agenda
ARLINGTON, Virginia -- A researcher has reopened the subject ofbeneficial worms, arguing that the capabilities of self-spreading codecould p...
The Five Great Inventions of Twentieth Century Cryptography
By William Hugh MurrayFrom: WHMurray@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MILThe Five Great Inventions of Twentieth Century Cryptography William Hugh MurrayPrefa...
Kaspersky Boss Debunks Security Myths
Russian antivirus guru Eugene Kaspersky has hit out at some of the myths that cloud what he sees as the real issues facing the IT security i...
Stopbadware Backed By Google, Lenovo, And Sun
Several academic institutions and major tech companies have teamed up to thwart "badware," a phrase they have coined that encompas...
Functional Files
Hacked by chrootstrap September 2003You've probably used function pointers in your C or C++ programs.Pointers to executable regions of m...
Require Complex Passwords
This paper was written because of massive attacks agianst servers andthe construction of huge bot nets!It is not a practical guidebook to an...
PC virus celebrates 20th birthday
Analysis Today, 19 January is the 20th anniversary for the appearanceof the first PC virus. Brain, a boot sector virus, was let loose inJanu...
Easily Extending Mozilla
Mozilla is a free (as in freedom) web client derived from the sourcecode of Netscape Communicator. The complete source tree of Mozillaiwis ...
Feds After Google Data
The Bush administration on Wednesday asked a federal judge to orderGoogle to turn over a broad range of material from its closely guardeddat...
Windows Wireless Flaw A Danger To Laptops
Brian Krebs from Washington Post has an interesting article on the insecurities of the Windows Wireless Protocol. Specifically with regards ...
Wmf Not An Intential Backdoor Says Microsoft
Robert McMillan from ComputerSecurity World has published an article documentating Microsoft's response to the allegations of WMF exploi...
Hacking Contest
National Institute of Technology Warangal presents Technozion 2006The event will have a large number of contests but i would like you make s...